Monday 16 June 2014

Games of E3 2014

Well, we're back here again. The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) is over for another year and this year was a little underwhelming for me. There were plenty of games that captured my attention but not enough to get me too hyped about. The three main press conferences ranged from good to average at best and I did hope a few would make more of a showcase like Quantum Break for the Xbox One and Final Fantasy XV but they were pretty much a no-show which kinda disappointed me as an update on those games would have been nice but nevertheless, I like to talk about some of the games that were premiered or showcased at E3 that I'm intrigued about and will first start off with the console exclusives.

Starting off with Microsoft and the Xbox One. Which they had a solid conference of showing nothing but games.

  • Sunset Overdrive - Insomniac have been crazy for many years when it comes to their games like Ratchet and Clank and Resistance but this one has a vibe of both inFamous and Jet Set Radio mixed together and it looks like something that will instantly make me buy the damn system with the level of exploration, crazy weapons, silly premise and 8-player mode. Definitely worth looking out.
  • Scaleborn - While it's only a CG trailer that we saw but since it's from the mindset of Hideki Kamiya of Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and Viewtiful Joe fame with his team at Platinum Games, I can't say I have no interest in it. Has the look of DMC crossed with Monster Hunter from what I've noticed but that's all we got, hopefully we'll see more in the future.
  • Phantom Dust - I never played the cult favourite original on the Xbox but if it's an little-known old gem that is remade, I have my eyes set on it. A battle arena style fighting game with trading card aspects is what made the original unique and I'm wondering if it'll catch on in this remake.
  • Crackdown - I played a bit of the original on the 360 and it was a fun sandbox game where you defeat crime and learn experience points by grabbing orbs throughout the city. The sequel was more or less overpriced DLC and I hope that since the original team is back, this follow up (or reboot) will right the wrongs of the past.
  • Fable Legends - I loved the first Fable on the Xbox, didn't like the 2nd one and barely played the 3rd one but I'm intrigued but this one since it's in a new direction with adding 4-player co-op and the ability to play as the villain in one mode of the game. Will it have a campaign mode though? I guess we'll wait and see.

Now onto Sony and to see what they have brought forth for the Playstation 4. Their conference was fine but still suffered from pacing issues li

  • Bloodborne - A new IP from the developers that brought you Dark Souls. It's looking pretty similar but it has a new setting, some new mechanics and a more haunting and creepy atmosphere that looks more like a folklore horror tale than a dark fantasy adventure. I await to see what From Software has in store for this one, as long as it isn't too difficult which I doubt (lol).
  • Infamous: Second Son - First Light - I might be cheating since this is a stand-alone DLC but it's more inFamous and I love it! Can't wait to see what the story unfolds for the character Fetch who was in the original game for the PS4. I hope Sucker Punch can succeed!
  • Grim Fandango Remastered - Who would have thought that Sony would aid Tim Schafer and his team at Double Fine to remaster the cult-classic adventure game on the PC for the PS4 and PS Vita? I remember playing some of it a few years after it came out but never got too far into it. Why is this game not on GOG is beyond me but still, I'm keen to figure out what made this gem so great when I get to play it.
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - While I do think going over 3 is excessive for video games but if they're the ones that I enjoy, I can't deny them and Uncharted is one of those franchises. Loved the series since the beginning and hope this final tale will go out with a bang.

Now for Nintendo which they had a great presentation for their Digital Live stream but their content was rather lacking. That said, there has been a few games for the Wii U and 3DS that I feel is worth talking about, so here we go!

  • Bayonetta 2 - My most anticipated for the Wii U by far. It took me around to get around to playing the first one on the 360 and when I did, I loved it despite it's overly non-sensical plot. I expect more of the same action as the original but even better with Bayo's new look, 2-player online co-op mode and the best of all, if you haven't played the original, don't worry as you get the first game packed in for free with some nifty Nintendo costumes for Bayonetta to walk around in. Marvelous!
  • Super Smash Bros. - Of course, this has to be on the list. Everyone is excited for it and coming from some one who has played the series since the beginning, I'm excited to but probably not as much as I still have my reservations about it since Brawl wasn't the excellent game that was hyped up to be but still has a lot of things going for it like an amazing roster (Sonic, Mega Man and Pac-Man? Wow), playable Miis as well as being on a handheld for the first time along side it's console brother. Plenty of Smash to go around!
  • Codename S.T.E.A.M - This one was a hidden surprise which is something I don't think Nintendo should do since new IPs deserve some respect but nevertheless, this is an interesting one. Developed by Intelligent Systems of Fire Emblem and Advanced Wars fame, so you know it'll be a turn-based, strategy game but instead of going grid-based, it goes for a 3rd person-shoot perspective (Valkyria Chronicles style!) with it's comic-book graphical style, set in a steampunk world with heavy metal blasting. You got me!

Done with the exclusives and now time for the Multiplats, PC included!

  • Mortal Kombat X - I haven't been the biggest fan of the MK franchise but I have enjoyed the hell out of the last iteration of the franchise which itself was a big comeback to it's former glory (even if Shao Kahn is a pain to beat), this new entry seems to combine a lot of it's predecessor's best aspects (as well as taken a few cues from Injustice, another game by NetherRealm Studios) and enhancing it with better graphics, new fight styles, new characters and a more darker tone as well as more brutal fatalities that makes your skin crawl. Time to unfreeze Sub-Zero once again.
  • Far Cry 4 - Loved the last Far Cry and it's downloadable spin-off Blood Dragon so this is a no brainer. Although I was skeptical at first, thinking it was all too soon but a new setting, new animals, new mechanics, a drop-in/out co-op feature and a new villain voiced by Troy Baker. Ubisoft, you have my attention.
  • Hotline Miami 2 - The original was an indie smash-hit and for good reasons with it's unique pixelated look with simple yet challenging gameplay revolved around a mind-twisting story. I hope the same for this new installment where you play as 4 characters in a gang as well as the PC version getting a nifty level editor. Nice!
  • Oddworld: New 'n Tasty - I have vague memories of the classic Abe's Oddyssey back on the PS1, it was indeed a unique and creative game back in the day as well as along with it's successors that followed. So I'm happy to return to this remake, done by the original creators and save them mudokans from Rupture Farms.
  • Hunt: Horrors of the Guilded Age - A Resident Evil 4-style co-op shooter centered around American horror folklore, developed with the Cry Engine from Crytek USA (originally known as Vigil games of Darksiders fame). Looks great and while it's familiar, it's different enough to have me intrigued.
  • Dying Light - I've mentioned this game before in a previous blog but sadly, the game has been pushed to 2015 but still, I'm interested on how this new IP from the developers behind the original Dead Island games can fare up. Hopefully not as buggy.
  • Lords of the Fallen - It's certainly inspired by Dark Souls but that's not a bad thing as it's visually impressive with a Diablo-esque look to it as well as it's meant to be a bit more accessible. I'm keen!
So there are my most interested games of E3 2014 but here is a small list of honourable mentions!

  • Batman: Arkham Knight - I might be growing tired of Batman but that doesn't mean I enjoyed the Arkham games and this one is proving to be a bit bigger than expected.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X - Haven't played much of the original but this one looks amazing.
  • Dead Island 2 - How can Yeager follow this one up? At least their debut trailer was honest.
  • Star Fox - Wanted to put it on the list but we haven't seen anything about it, Dammit Miyamoto!
  • Zelda Wii U - The footage was pretty but left me with a vague impression.
  • Kingdom Under Fire 2 - Been nearly 8 years since it was announced, sadly it's a free-to-play title.
  • Mass Effect 4 - I'm in for a new Mass Effect but concepts alone isn't enough to get me hyped.
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider - I enjoyed the reboot so it's a no brainer but that title is stupid >.<
  • Rainbow Six: Siege - Not expecting it but I liked the Vegas installments of the series, so why not?
  • No Man's Sky - Doesn't seem to be the kind of game that I would play but it has promise.
  • Splatoon - If priced right, I can see this inventive spin on the 3rd-person shooter genre for the Wii U being fun.
There were plenty more that I could have mentioned but I didn't have much to say about them to be honest. So that's pretty much it for E3 of 2014. Hopefully next year will be more exciting but I'm keeping my expectations low for it, but at least a lot of great titles are coming later this year and the next.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you all in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Very well written matt. I agree that this year was meh. There's some games Im looking forward to (out of your exclusives list tho, mostly the infamous DLC), but nothing was super surprising or exciting. The whole experience felt like no one was ready to show stuff. Like they could of skipped E3 this year and no one would of noticed. Interestingly enough, I resonate with some of your honorable mentions more than I do your exclusives list.
