Tuesday, 9 July 2013

My thoughts on the new Grand Theft Auto V trailer

Before I start, I want to apologize as it's been a while since my last blog but I've been really busy lately and I'm not going to rest as I have a few conventions to go to in the next few weeks and I have personal matters to worry about. For more information, check out my latest video to get the low-down but with that out of the way, let's get onto this blog.

If there was one hyped game that I'm not particularly excited about this year, it'd be Grand Theft Auto V. Why you may ask? It's rather simple.

As much as I loved the PS2-era games (most especially Vice City), I felt Grand Theft Auto IV was a bit of a letdown. Still a good game but not nearly as good as it's predecessors as I hated the driving controls, some of the fun and diverse aspects from the previous games have been dropped out as well as some newer features that were a bit sparse during the main campaign and the story in the main campaign had a few odd plot holes that didn't make sense until the two story-based expansion DLC came out (less said about the inconvenient phone calls the better). Also, the graphical engine wasn't that fantastic when compared to the Table Tennis game that Rockstar had on the Xbox 360.

So with that said, I'm not particularly excited for this one but that's not to say I'm ruling it out though as it does have a lot of potential to redeem themselves as the addition of 3 main characters seem rather unique and not as cut-out as GTA IV was. A former bank robber turned family-man, a hustler and a crazy southern. It all seems like a bizarre trio that can make the story interesting and entertaining on how they direct it, especially if they can make the characters likable, deep or at the very least, interesting.

With the new trailer released, it details the features, the world and what the main characters are like. It all seems like a huge step-up from the previous GTA game and previous games that Rockstar has done in the past like the amazing L.A. Noire (not developed by Rockstar but still counts), the well-stylized Red Dead Redemption to the unnecessary Max Payne 3 (might discuss that game in a future blog).

The ability to swap different main characters on the fly with their own scenarios to deal with that can link to each other like the one mission where you can swap to Frankie using a sniper rifle, the tons of character and car customization, mini games like golf, tennis, mountain biking and even scuba diving.

Also the addition of a weapon wheel that was featured in Max Payne 3 with more guns to carry is a nice addition because it makes swapping different weapons a lot more accessible than the previous GTA games and lastly, the landscape of the city you're placed in is expansive with a variety of different areas from cities to suburbs and the countryside.

I won't bother to talk about GTA Online because I don't really have much of an interest in that mode but they didn't talk much about it either so it really doesn't matter. All I focus on is the story mode and what is featured in the recent trailer.

Back on topic, from what I've seen from this trailer is very promising and I believe Rockstar can succeed with these new additions and features but what worries me is how will it play? Will it play more well-rounded and fine tuned unlike GTA IV because the controls while responsive, didn't have the same flow that the previous games have in order to incorporate realism which also included the driving. I don't mind realistic visuals (for the most part) but realistic controls is something that I can't stomach, especially driving because it's not as fun as arcade-style driving imo.

Also the story has to be well rounded and while there is also DLC incoming, I'm hoping it's not a cut out job like some games that have been released that should have been in the game without any extra payment.

Lastly, there's also the worry of the game not coming to PC and Wii U at this point or even the new-gen systems like the PS4 and Xbox One. They haven't commented about the PS4 and Xbox One but they have stated the Wii U and PC haven't been ruled out but nothing announced at this moment. (I'd be disappointed and not surprised if they didn't make it for the Wii U since Chinatown Wars was a poor seller on the DS and was later ported to the PSP and iPhone.)

So overall, I am looking forward to checking this game out since I've been a loyal fan (for the most part, I wasn't into the PSP games that much) and these new features and additions seem enticing...But I'm still weary of it because of GTA IV with all of the issues that I've talked about.

Not sure if I'll be getting it day one and if I do, I won't be purchasing the Collector's Edition and will settle on the Special Edition if I can.

That's all for now, I'll be away for a couple of weeks but hope to be back to blog more soon, thanks for reading.

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