Tuesday, 25 June 2013

My stance on the new-gen consoles

After the announcement of the two consoles at E3 along with their games, prices and dates (which are still a bit unclear at this point) as well as Microsoft's sudden change of heart to remove the DRM policies they had. The Xbox One and the Playstation 4 are ready to head out full force at the end of the year.

But that being said, I don't think I'll be an early adopter for both of them due to other lack of certain information, mostly regarding to launch titles that I've asked about in a video I posted a few days ago. There's also other details that also need to be address like a specific release date but I'm not worried about that because I won't be an early adopter.

The software makes the hardware and while both systems have games that I would like to play, most of their confirmed games are multiplatform titles (i.e. Watch_Dogs, Battlefield 4, Dark Souls II, etc.) and the exclusives they have, most of the ones I want the most are released later in 2014. So with that said, I don't feel like spending over $500 on a console that only have at least one launch game (as they've mentioned so far) which isn't enough for me to pick up at launch.

Now before you ask me, which system I'm getting, it's most likely the PS4 since one of my most anticipated games for the system is a launch game and it is better priced than the Xbox One, but as said before I won't be getting it at launch due to lack of launch games that grab me (besides maybe Knack but still unsure about that game). Maybe get it as a Christmas present but we'll wait and see.

As for the Xbox One, there are actually are a few launch games that have my attention but I'm very weary about them for various reasons which I will discuss later in this blog because I feel it's worth mentioning that some of these details need to be addressed before release.

So without further ado, let's talk about what I know on each console and discuss what games that interest me the most.

 Playstation 4

Sony's successor to the Playstation 3 really showcases a lot of promises to rectify their original release of the PS3 which didn't go over so well at the beginning until much later. They want to make it more open with it's PC-like architecture, encouragement and support of indie developers who wish to make games for the platform which they've been doing that with the PS3 and PS Vita and lot of intriguing features like recording, sharing and streaming footage and screens of the games you're playing online to others as well as a few tweaks to the controller and interface to make it more fresh, up to date and accessible.

As for the games, already the system has me sold with Killzone: Shadow Fall as a launch title with the system but the other two, leave a lot to be desired like Knack since I'm not sure if it'll be enough to entice me over but after looking into it a bit more, it has a level of intrigue but will wait and see and as for Drive Club, I don't care for since I dislike driving simulators.

The sad part about this that if my most anticipated game on the system which is Infamous: Second Son is not a launch title, it'll be out in Q1 2014. The other exclusives like The Order: 1886 aren't as interesting to me even with their debut trailers at E3 this year.

Rest of the game list that is confirmed as of this blog are mostly multiplatform titles as I've mentioned earlier but that said, some of them I would probably get on PS4 like Batman: Arkham Origins, Diablo III (even though I got it on PC a while ago, lol), Final Fantasy XV and Oddworld: New 'n Tasty.

So while the system does have a lot going for it in terms of support, it's not enough for an early adoption of the system at launch for me, even if it's retailed at $550. I'll most likely to get it as a Christmas/Birthday present or wait it out for a bundle instead. But I do plan to get this system first over the Xbox One.

And speaking off that...

 Xbox One

I know some people are going to be biased about this console and while I can understand why due to the stupid DRM policy bullshit that Microsoft had going at first before changing it as I've mentioned earlier, it doesn't mean it's a bad console (despite it's stupid name)...or at least, in a different sense.

The system has a lot of neat things going for it, similar to the PS4 with extras that while I wouldn't use like switching to TV but it's a nice addition. However the mandatory Kinect that is bundled with the system, the Day One patch to remove the DRM policies, mandatory game installs, irremovable hard drive and the controller still using AA batteries hurt the system but not so much that it really bothers me to a huge extent. But what does hurt me is the $600 price tag which is a bit too much to ask to sell your console.

For the games however, they did show the exclusives and a lot of them I'm rather interested. My most anticipated is Quantum Break by Remedy which little details have been shown but Remedy has been like that since their Max Payne days so hopefully, we get more information down the road and how it's mean to be tied with a TV series that they're producing. Although, they're mostly known for PC titles at the beginning, so chances of this game going to PC via Windows 8 could be a possibility.

The one that also got me is Killer Instinct. A revival of Rare's fighting game franchise from the 90s to the new-gen system but while it does look and sounds impressive, there are things I'm worried about such as the fact that Rare hasn't don't much good in years since they've been bought out by Microsoft, it's being co-developed by Double Helix Games (the same people that gave us Silent Hill: Homecoming, the Green Latern game and the Battleship movie-based game) and their approach to selling this game is rather confusing like selling it in physical and digital form but also including a odd "Free-to-Play" version of it.

Other exclusives like Ryse: Son of Rome, D4, Below and Sunset Overdrive also have my attention but some of those feel like not much detail has been given which makes me go for a more "wait and see" approach rather than go with my guts and hope for the best. Especially Below as that game could easily pass off as an iOS game instead.

But what really hurts the Xbox One is that when it comes to indie developers, they're very picky and not very encouraging when compared to the PS4 and the Wii U which are very happy to let indies showcase what they have on their platforms. Not so much with Microsoft's big box. Especially when Fez creator Phil Fish had a painful time with the original XBLA version of the game on the 360 since there was a save-deleting bug in the game and couldn't be fixed due to not having the funds to allow a patch for it. Very greedy, Microsoft.

So as you'd probably guessed, I do think there is a good level of potential within the Xbox One and their exclusive titles but that said, their minor issues like the mandatory Kinect, tacky support for indie developers and the pricing of the system at $600 is what really makes me not too keen on the console. Will most likely get it used, when there's a price drop or at the very least, when Quantum Break comes out.

Final Verdict:

So in the end, both systems has it's fair share of games and features that really interest me but not worth a day one purchase as I believe Adam Sessler was right about in this video about the lack of information on both systems.

While I'm more inclined to get a PS4 over the Xbox One, I'm not sure if it's worth adopting it day one at this moment even with a cheaper price than it's competitor.

Well, that's pretty much all I have to say for this, thanks for reading and let me know what you think. Do you plan to get one of the new-gen systems at launch and if so, which one and why?

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