In just a week or two, the two new consoles from both Sony and Microsoft will be available to the public, cementing the competition between the Wii U, Playstation 4 and the Xbox One will commence.
What does this mean for us? Well personally, I'd say that even though the new generation has started with Nintendo's HD system, the other two systems will make the new generation of gaming in full set. I don't like saying which is the better console because of reasons being that I prefer the "console wars" didn't exist (even if they keep popping up on forums and blogs everywhere) as I see that every console has a merit and negative, no matter what.
So in this blog, I'm going back to one of my older blogs about my stance on the new-gen systems and talk about on how much has changed since the announcement of both the PS4 and Xbox One.
Starting with the Playstation 4, things have left unchanged since it's announcement, however as it recently got released in North America, it has sold over a million units on launch which is quite impressive but not without it's set backs. Reports of units breaking down as most notably the blue light of death as well as GPU failures even though the failure rate is 1% but adding insult to injury that while the quality is there in terms of multiplatforms, the exclusive launch line-up for games like Knack and Killzone: Shadow Fall isn't nearly up to par as some critics have hoped even though it's more or less based on personal observations upon playing said games. However the UI and functionality seems to be in order from what I've read/heard about it and hope it continues to stay that way when it gets released within a week (as of this blog) as I plan to get it for Christmas this year.
Onto the Xbox One and Microsoft has really changed things up since launch but still has a few niggling issues here and there from critics such as Rev3 Games and GamesRadar but positive nonetheless with the TV feature including Snap TV and great use of Kinect integration with the new and sleek UI. Even the launch line-up seems to be more high in quality with games like Dead Rising 3 (despite it's technical faults), Forza 5 and Killer Instinct. However I have gripes with the latter exclusive Killer Instinct since it's my most wanted on the system but won't have an arcade mode until the first season of characters are released which I think is a bad move in my opinion, even though fighters are catered to play with others but still preferable if they have some single-player content. But aside that, Microsoft seem to have shown a lot of upgrading since the unveiling and the E3 showcase earlier this year, even if the system doesn't seem to be up to par with it's resolution on some games.
I'm not going to talk more into what else the two systems have as they do provide a strong sense of social interaction, the quick loading, multitasking between games and apps and plenty more. Even with the faults, they both do seem well made systems and it'll be interesting over the next couple of months of what games are coming out and what quality brings to the table for both of them.
While the PS4 is first to get with Infamous: Second Son being my most anticipated but the Xbox One will come later in a hopeful store deal, a price cut or when Quantum Break comes out. I also have hope for Nintendo's Wii U but I feel that console is more of a strange league of it's own when compared to the big leagues even if it's more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3.
So that's pretty much it for this blog, sorry for being away as life has been busy and leave your thoughts about the next generation of gaming, thanks for reading!